I was walking on Grand Avenue when this girl came jogging to the light to cross over at the crosswalk. She had to wait a long time, so while she waited she did some jumping jacks. There was something so cheerful about this moment, I just had a take a picture. This weightlessness we only experience in an instant before gravity takes hold. The photo can capture it forever. As I have another burdened busy day, I wish to have such weightlessness.
@Denny Jump Photo: It's Santa Ana times ten. No winds though. Take care of yourself and see you soon!
@Denny Jump Photo: Thinking of you all. Have a great day and may everything be well again! Maybe it's a skort.
@clodagh smith: it would make a series. The restless runner at the light. :)
@JJ: Yes, it would. I wish it for you for today!
@The Mouse: She was definitely doing a lot of suspicious hopping...
@Sally: Thanks! I've always liked yellow with blue. Very cheerful.
@JoeB: LOL. That's what they call a fleeting moment.
@peter.K: In the words of the old Pantene commercial: "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful". (kidding) Thanks! I guess... ;))
@Steve Rice: Sweated through is more like it. :O It was 112 in LA today. Unheard of!
@S: I can see what you mean. It's bright and surreal.
@NANNE NICOLAI: Thank you so muich, Nanne!